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our story

A 40 years old association

1979 - Birth of the association

In 1979, the AEL is created :  the Association des Étudiants en Langues, inspired by the CEL founded by Gilbert Dru, a famous french resistant who was its first president, with an only goal : defend languages tuiton at Lyon III.​

1989 - Foundation of F E L

Ten years later, the AEL associate with others student associations (l’Amicale de Pharmacie, l’Association Lumière, le BDE ENTPE, la Corpo EM Lyon and Corpo Lyon 3) to found the Fédération des Étudiants Lyonnais, an independent and apolitical organism dedicated to represent the whole student community in Lyon and associative mutual aid

based on experience share. 

1991 - A E L becomes A E 2 L

We must wait 1991 for the l'association to open to faculté Litterature and Civilisation Faculty change name to become "Association des Étudiants en Langues, Lettres et Civilisations", a.k.a. AE2L.

1997 - First edition of

Arts and Litterature Week

Today known as the Cultural Month, the universtiy's Art and Litterature Week was born in 1997. Its main goal is to promote Arts and Culture among students by organizing

various events

2003 - First edition of the "Free" Party

In 2003 takes place the first edition of the "Free" Party, which will become later one of the most emblematic party of the university. The spirit is : 80's and 90's like you've never seen before, more kitsch and border-line than ever. 

2005 -  Faculty of Philosophy joins

The association opens finally in 2005 to the faculty of Philosophy to confirm its "litterature" identity.

2018 - The association renews

2018 was a year of modernisation and innovation for the members. The AE2L set new events such as Creation Workshop addressed to students willing to express their artistic talent, and the Cultural Month .

2019 - The association celebrates its 

40 years old

If 2019 is AE2L quarantine, it is also the "Free" Party's 15th edition. Meanwhile, the association contiues its modernisation : new projectss, new partnerships, new visual identity.


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